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I Am A Goddess, Self-Guided Confidence Program

  • 52 Weeks
  • 26 Steps


Heal after your heartbreak here. Do you feel like you, *are disconnected from your body & your power? *are trying to fill a void with lovers, food, distractions and excuses? *are done with having a mindless sex life? *are done with settling for shitty relationships? *feel disconnected from yourself, your power and your potential? Then you need some big love goddess energy to activate your confidence again! Are you ready to: *conquer your life with confidence *build satisfying relationships you truly want *learn to communicate and stick to your boundaries *unapologetically embrace your womanness as the Goddess you are meant to be? Then this is the program for you. Included are: *Weekly video & written guidance to watch and read. *Weekly lovework emotional intelligence exercises *A copy of Carlen's best-selling book, "Love: the Women's Guide to Not Fucking Settling" *Access to the program for 1 whole year *discounted 1:1 talk therapy sessions with Carlen ​Join Carlen Costa, OCSWSSW Psychotherapist, for an 8 week emotional-makeover to the relationship you have with others and for the relationship you have with yourself. Take your power back - like a Goddess. *Prior to booking any 1:1 sessions, you will be emailed a Client Confidentiality & Terms of Services Agreement to be completed prior to any individual sessions with Carlen.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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