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The Goddess Foundation was founded by Carlen Costa in 2018.


This charitable foundation*  is the empowerment of women and girls in Canada by funding organizations and projects that seek to:


  • Ending gender based violence

  • Creating more women in leadership opportunities

  • Positive and healthy body image programming

  • Sexual & mental health initiatives


The Foundation embraces an inclusive definition of women and girls that includes people who identify as women, girls, trans, genderqueer and gender non-binary. 


As this foundation begins to build and inspire change in our communities, I look forward to sharing more information with you.​

If you have any questions, please email me directly:​


*Registration as a charitable foundation number is: 791624075 RR0001

Projects we've funded so far:

In December 2021, we executed our first mini-fundraiser for Anova London a women/womxn's shelter, sexual assault support and resources for womxn/women. We were able to raise $1400 with our POWER 4 Anova clothing collection. (seen in gallery above)

Anova provides safe places, shelter, support, counselling, and resources for abused women, their children, and all oppressed individuals to find a new start. See more information here:


We are currently fundraising for our general fund and for The Women in Entrepreneurship grant that we are seeking to establish and partner with a corporate entity to provide matching funds.


If you'd like to get involved, please email our Administrator

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