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Deep Listening

Soundscape Sessions

Did you know that music can take you deeper into spaces within yourself that talk therapy cannot? Music can guide you to redesign personal meaning towards our stories. 

Are you ready to listen?

Let's grow.


As this is a new therapy I am offering, I am wanting to work with lovely humans who have some patience and are ready to take themselves deeper. 

Email me now to book this session by clicking the button below. 


Monday-Saturday, July & August

Pricing (2 hour session)

Regular- $250

Summer Special - $200 (taxes incl.)

*see information below for what to expect from a session

Deep listening is an immersive audio therapy that invites you into a musical soundscape where in you will be called to allow, unfold and anchor a highly meaningful understanding of yourself.

This modality increases your mental flexibility as mediated by serotonergic activity that induces a neuroplastic response. This method can feel mimetic of a psychedelic experience, without the necessary consumption of any plant medicines, (cannabis consumption however, is an option). We use music in this modality to affect emotional attunement, increase vividness of mental imagery and learn new/forgotten concepts of yourself. The audio tool software is created by the neuroscience of Wavepaths® which views the struggles of human living as problems we suppress, to messages of personal meaning to attend.

Who is this for?

This experiential therapy is for people looking to go deeper into their understanding of themselves. It may be used as a management tool for some mental health presentations including, but not limited to:

Anxiety, PTSD/C-PTSD, ADHD, melancholy, brain fog, dissociation, grief and experiencing high stress events.

How does it work?

1. Book a 2 hour session, available in-person or online.


2. The first hour, you will be guided to listen to a uniquely curated soundscape, with headphones on, laying down comfortably, wrapped in a warm blanket, while wearing an eye mask, without interruption. Cannabis consumption is voluntary and can be negotiated with your therapist. 


3. During the inwardly oriented experience, you are encouraged to journal thoughts, memories, words, or emotions that you feel, see, hear or smell throughout.


4. After the experiential, you will meet with your therapist for up to an hour in a talk therapy session to integrate this new level of attunement within. 


5. You will be encouraged to hydrate and not engage intensively with others in your life for a few hours thereafter as part of your personal care. Follow-up talk therapy integration and care sessions will be encouraged.


6. Your soundscape audio is available for you post-session and will be emailed to you upon request, at no additional cost.

Feel like this is for you? 

Click the link below to book your session now.

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